

Fuel burns. Water does not.

WIX filters with water separation provide the engine only with clean fuel, which ensures its effectiveness and longer service life. These are the most efficient filters, stopping any solid impurities (rust, algae, sludge) and others as small as 2 microns.

What distinguishes Heavy-duty fuel filters?


The quality of filter media

In WIX filters guarantees resistance to aggressive chemical compounds found in all fuels.

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Durable seals

The carefully selected materials from which they are manufactured provide optimum tightness and resistance to aggressive fuel components.


Improved cover design

Each year, we conduct over 4,000 tests. Thanks to our experience, we have designed a filter cover optimised for specific vehicles operating loads.


We meet the standards

WIX Filters include both spin-on fuel filters and filter elements which always meet the standards of vehicle manufacturers.